Ochrona odgromowa - wiedza

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Posty: 126
Rejestracja: pn lis 12, 2007 12:06
Lokalizacja: polowa

Ochrona odgromowa - wiedza

Post autor: kondensator »

[Link jest zablokowany dla Gości. Zaloguj się!]

Kopalnia wiedzy z dziedziny odgromowej, LPS, LEMP, związków medycyny z piorunami, statystyk i opisów wypadków z ludźmi i mieniem.
Radzę dokładnie po kolei poczytać, nawet bez znajomości języka - jeden obrazek wart często więcej niż 1000 słów.
National Lightning Safety Institute (NLSI) is an independent, non-product advocate of lightning safety for both people and structures. We apply science, engineering and industrial organization to create lightning hazard mitigation programs.
Personal Lightning Safety means anticipating a high-risk situation and moving to a low-risk location. Result: Improved ES&H practices.
Structural Lightning Safety means using various exterior and interior defensive systems in a detailed, site-specific process. Result: Improved power quality assurance.
NLSI provides objective assistance on many kinds of lightning problems, including experience with:
* Informative classes, lectures, seminars, and workshops
* On-site technical assessments, audits, and inspections
NLSI is an “authority having jurisdiction” (AHJ), qualified to approve, certify, and inspect equipment, installations, materials, and procedures.
As AHJ for a client, NLSI can base acceptance of a lightning protection system on compliance with NFPA or any other code or standard of practice.
The 2011 revision of NFPA-780, Installation of Lightning Protection Systems, has been released. It obsoletes previous versions, and contains much new information important for engineers, architects, designers, technicians and installers of lightning protection systems. Contact NLSI for our intensive classes conducted nationwide.
NLSI's illustrated technical book on Lightning Protection for Engineers has been updated for 2010.
We have considerable experience in the following economic sectors: aviation; communications and IT; defense, including explosives; mining; petrochemical; and power generation.
Our website provides a wealth of training materials, maps, photos, and factual details about lightning issues, written by both NLSI and other lightning experts.
Jest to swego rodzaju uzupełnienie linków, które podałem w:

http://ise.pl/index.php?option=com_jfus ... 31&t=13290.. [/b]
(>http://ise.pl/index.php?option=com_jfus ... 31&t=13290<)

Post Reklama Szkolenia PROTON+ » dostępny teraz

Zobacz szkolenie PROTON+ Profesjonalne protokołowanie. Szkolenie jest w formie materiału wideo pokazującego praktyczną pracę z programem. Cały materiał to około 3 godziny praktycznych ćwiczeń. zobacz i zapisz się teraz...
Rejestracja:sob kwie 03, 1999
Lokalizacja: Kraków